See all homes sold in Clackamas County, July 31 to August 6

The following is a listing of all home transfers in Clackamas County reported from July 31 to August 6. There were 119 transactions posted during t...

August 7, 2023
3:42 PM

The following is a listing of all home transfers in Clackamas County reported from July 31 to August 6. There were 119 transactions posted during this time. During this period, the median sale for the area was a 1,498-square-foot home on Southeast Francis Avenue in that sold for $575,000. Boring 19279 S.E. Tickle Creek Road, Boring, $435,000, 20 square feet, $21,750 per square-foot, two bathrooms. 27101 S.E. Wally Road, Boring, $498,500, 1,228 square feet, $406 per square-foot, one bedroom and one bathroom.

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